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We’re glad to hear that you’d like to contribute to 3ds.hacks.guide! Voici quelques façons de le faire :


This guide is open-source; our repository is available here. If you’ve noticed an issue on this guide, you can file an issue to make us aware, or file a pull request to make the necessary changes yourself. You can also have a chat with us in the #guide-meta channel at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.


If you’d like to translate this guide into other languages (or help keep the existing translations up-to-date), check out our Crowdin.


Certains fichiers sur ce guide ne sont disponibles que sous forme de torrents. If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip file containing all our .torrent files: torrents.zip (last updated 2023-03-16)

Il existe également un flux RSS qui peut être mis à jour pour les futurs torrents, auquel vous pouvez vous abonner.


Maintaining this guide (as well as our support channels) is primarily a volunteer effort, so if this guide has helped you in some way, donations are greatly appreciated!

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